Monday, February 27, 2012

Old friends

"It is one of the blessings of old friends that you can afford to be stupid with them."

- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Thursday, April 16, 2009

A job, my kingdom for a job....

Hi friends!

Yes.... I'm still looking for a job. It's still boring but I have made some progress. I have attended two interviews and maybe something good will come of it. *hoping* And I have a coach at Arbetsförmedlingen that has helped me make my application papers even better. Feels good.

Mio likes the daycare center and I think there will be no problem for him to be there more hours if I get a job. He's really a sweet kid. :-)

My birthday is coming up and I'm planning to have a party. I though who knows if I can party next year. I might be pregnant or breast feeding or something. Might as well have a party now. And who needs an excuse to party anyway?! :-)

Me, Mattias and Mio has booked a trip to Spain in June and I'm really looking forward to it. Hopefully the sun will caress my skin and make it golden and Mattias will serve me cool Cosmopolitans.... That last wish was a stretch I know but you got to keep dreaming. ;-)

I feel a bit unfocused today so I think I will leave you with this. Take care and if you want to come to my birthday party just send a sms or an e-mail.

Much love and many kisses!

Friday, January 16, 2009

Quotation for life

Life is "trying things to see if they work".

- Ray Bradbury

Christmas, work and Mio

Hi friends!

I know that it's been a while..... again! I seem so have problems with slowing down and take time to write. I guess Mio has something to do with it. :-)

Christmas has come and left again. This year I did the real Annie-Christmas. Last year I didn't go all out since Mio was only a month old but this year, I baked, made candy, decorated, got a Christmas tree and drank lots of glögg. Felt nice! We spent Christmas here in Trelleborg at Mattias' parents. It was nice and we had fun. Of course I missed my parents and my siblings but I have come to terms with that you can't have it all, all the time. Hmmmm..... must be one of those grown up-conclusions...... Scary!

Mio will attending day care from 2 Feb and I am applying to get a job. I really want a job but to apply for one is soooo boring. I don't think that anyone that hasn't applied for at least 50 jobs knows how boring it is. *sigh* But I really, really want a job so I will keep on apllying and hopefully I will find something soon.

Mio turned 1 year old on 18th Nov. He's not a baby anymore! On New Years Day he decided that he could walk.... and so he did. Now he is running around. Of course I have some photos for you. :-)

Friday, May 16, 2008

Moving and going on vacation

Now I have moved out of my apartment and rented it to a nice girl. It feels a bit bittersweet.... I miss Malmoe but you can't have it all and now I get to be with my two boys, Mattias and Mio. I realized though that I have never really moved before. The first time I moved I moved from my parents place to the apartment where me and Magnus lived. Then I didn't have that much stuff since I only had one room at home. When me and Magnus moved apart we split the stuff we had then so there was not that much either. THIS time I have lived on my own for three years and am moving in with someone that already has a whole house full of stuff. I don't think I ever have thrown/given away so many things as I have during this move! Good God! Well, well, now the stuff is here..... I just have to find a place for all of them. :-)

Tomorrow we are leaving for a week in Nice, France. Mattias dad has invited us on a trip since he turns 60 next week. It will feel good to get away for a while and relax. I feel that I have been a bit stressed with the moving and so on. The funny thing is that Mio is the smallest one but needs most luggage...

Before I go.... he are some more pictures of my sweet child.

Monday, April 21, 2008


Is'nt he lovely? Mio came into my world on the 18th of November. Since then we have spent almost 24 h, 7 days a week together. He is a sweet baby and we have fun. But I have to be honest and say that sometimes I feel like being alone for a day. Well, well, it's a good thing I love him so much.

Many things has changed for me since I last wrote. Me and Mio's dad had kind of found eachother and now we are in love and we have decided to live togehter. I know that it may seem like a big step so soon but I feel alright about it. It's hard to date when you have a baby and the big decision was to keep Mio.... now everything else seems a bit trivial.

Today I'm at home.... I have given Mio a bath and I have to go shop for some food later. I feel a bit restless and I'm thinking about calling Sussie and see if she and Emmy want a visit.

Take care!
